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Saturday, 10 January 2015

London baby! And Happy New Year.

I tend not to dream of a white Christmas anymore because however beautiful it looks in American Christmas rom-coms and however cold it may feel in the North of England, it is extremely unlikely. The one time I didn’t want it to snow, what did the great British weather do? Snow. On Boxing Day. Just before a planned London shopping trip.

Carluccio's linguine al frutti di mare (a favourite of ours)

The journey home ft. January ELLE

Luckily the trains were still running and a 6.20am start after watching The Holiday till late the night before meant a sleep in my aisle seat. A copy of Elle (with Kim K on the cover), Regeneration by Pat Barker and a Greggs bacon sandwich on the journey provided entertainment and sustenance en route so the trip was pretty speedy and I do love a train journey. Of course we took the tube straight to Oxford Circus once we’d arrived and of course the first stop was Topshop. Of course. Three bargains, including a navy quilted miniskirt for 20 freaking pounds, some sweating and a walk to Apostrophe later: I was sat with a chocolate muffin and an apple juice preparing for Selfridges. I spied a purple faux-leather bell-shaped skirt in the H&M concession and fell in love - another new skirt and another new book is all I need to be happy.

Another year, another lot of resolutions. It has been a lovely Christmas, seeing family and opening presents, but the paper chains have been recycled, so has the tree and the leftovers of dinner. It’s time to begin 2015 and forget about the chocolate binges of Christmas, the sunburn of summer and the unfortunate fashion crazes of 2014. The year should always begin with resolutions and goals, some cliché, some out-of-the-comfort-zone, all likely to be forgotten by February. Here are mine:
1)      Drink more water, eat more cleanly and exercise more (walking to the fridge does not count as a trek, yes, even if stairs are involved)
2)      Learn to meditate (first might need to learn how to sit cross-legged)
3)      Read something inspirational
4)      Get another piercing
5)      Keep a scrapbook
6)      Complete New Year’s resolutions

Apparently, as I heard on the radio the other day, 1 in 10 people complete their New Year’s resolutions. Let’s see if I do.


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