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Thursday, 9 April 2015


I apologise profusely to the 0 people who read this blog. I have not been posting often yet because I have been attempting to set up this blog in a crazy year with a shed load of college work. After exams I will be writing regularly but for now, I will only provide a tit-bit of my traumatic day today.

We have been redecorating the house and when I was home alone today I found myself trapped in the kitchen because there was no door handle on the inside. For 3 hours I was stuck with no phone and no charger for my laptop. Luckily I had wifi to email my mum, unluckily she never got the email. She came home calling "Where are you?!" I'M IN THE KITCHEN AS I HAVE BEEN FOR THE PAST THREE HOURS. It's say safe to say my entire family found it hysterical and I did myself after I had mourned my lost hours napping on a cold laminate floor. Here's the emergency email I sent to my mother, hopefully you'll find it as funny as she did:

The Princess in the Tower x

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